Educational proposal to strengthen social motor skills in primary school students


school coexistence
socio motor skills

How to Cite

Avila Azan, M., Icanaque Torres, S. F., & Avila Icanaque, L. V. (2024). Educational proposal to strengthen social motor skills in primary school students. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 28(Special), 129-140.


School coexistence is a relevant topic of research and intervention in educational institutions as it is a component of measuring the levels of student learning achievement. The objective of this research was to determine the impact of socio-motor skills in school coexistence in primary school students. The type of research is non-experimental, correlational, causal, and quantitative, and cross-sectional. The population consisted of primary school students and the sample consisted of 185 students. The results indicated that there is an important correlation between children's socio-motor skills and their school coexistence. These elements highlight the importance of integrating programs and activities into the school curriculum that encourage the development of socio-motor skills from an early age.


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