Evaluation of the impact of organizational learning on teacher training


organizational learning
teaching performance

How to Cite

Chavez Castillo, E. R., Chavez Castillo, M. B., Chavez Castillo, R. L., & Arce Otoya, M. E. (2024). Evaluation of the impact of organizational learning on teacher training. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 28(Special), 219-228. https://doi.org/10.47460/uct.v28iSpecial.791


Organizational learning is a continuous, adaptive process through which an organization improves its ability to achieve its objectives and goals. In this work, the impact of organizational learning on the performance of teachers in public institutions has been evaluated. It was carried out with a quantitative approach, a descriptive-explanatory, correlational design and a sample made up of 120 basic education teachers. The results revealed that there is a positive correlation between both variables and therefore, institutions must focus on the acquisition of knowledge, skills, perspectives and practices that allow them to face and adapt to changes in their environment, as well as improve their performance. the long of the time. time.



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