Creative thinking in university students: a systematic review


academic performance
creative thinking

How to Cite

Pisfil Becerra, M. E., & Lopez Regalado, Óscar. (2024). Creative thinking in university students: a systematic review. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 28(125), 153-162.


Creativity, intrinsically linked to creative thinking, stands as an essential tool for innovative problem solving, a highly valued ability in the current context. While education plays a critical role in developing a student's creative and reflective potential, its promotion does not always receive the necessary attention.  This study analyzes the influence of creative thinking on the academic performance of university students.  Methodologically, a bibliographic review was carried out in the main databases, identifying 20 relevant studies.  The results revealed various strategies to promote creative thinking, with contextualized and heterogeneous responses.  The need to deepen research in this area is highlighted to generate a more robust corpus of knowledge that can be evaluated and applied by the educational community.


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