Measuring the effectiveness of strategies for classroom historical performance training


historical interpretations
pedagogical program
secondary education
historical knowledge.

How to Cite

Tumi Anton, B. E., Pacherres Valladares, M. E., & Velez Guaylupo, J. A. (2025). Measuring the effectiveness of strategies for classroom historical performance training. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 29(Special), 18-29.


The construction of historical interpretations is a key competency in secondary education, enabling students to develop a deeper and more critical understanding of the past. This paper has evaluated the effectiveness of a pedagogical program that motivates effective learning and the achievement of academic competencies. We worked with a group of 35 students, to whom a pre-test and a post-test were applied, to know the effects of the pedagogical program. The main results showed high effectiveness in significant learning when applied to the pedagogical program being necessary for a continuous evaluation of the adjustments that may arise over time to make it adaptive and applicable to different social realities.


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