Correlation analysis between multiple intelligences and learning styles in engineering students


engineering training
engineering skills
meaningful learning
university education

How to Cite

Terry Borjas, M. C. (2025). Correlation analysis between multiple intelligences and learning styles in engineering students. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 29(126), 46-55.


This paper analyzes the influence of learning styles and multiple intelligence in engineering schools, where thinking is usually more active, and practical, and technical and practical teaching prevails. To this end, a group of 140 students was analyzed to whom the respective questionnaire was applied to learn about the different situations among the participants. It was confirmed that the predominant learning style is pragmatic, however, the dominant intelligence was naturalistic, highlighting that engineering students can focus their efforts on environmental conservation, sustainability, and the environment. In addition, it was confirmed that the recognition of the individual characteristics of students in engineering careers is beneficial to channel future professionals in areas where their contribution to social good and industrial development is more beneficial.


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