Factorial validity of the personal pedagogical worldview scale to assess teacher education


factorial validity
rating scale
pedagogical worldview

How to Cite

Cueva Gomez, W. D., & Acuna Casas, B. R. (2025). Factorial validity of the personal pedagogical worldview scale to assess teacher education. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 29(126), 56-67. https://doi.org/10.47460/uct.v29i126.906


The objective of the research was to determine the validity of the construct through factor analysis, explaining a set of 29 observable variables that make up the scale of involvement of the personal pedagogical worldview in the educational act through a linear model. This analysis allowed the variables to be reduced to fewer hypothetical factors with a substantive interpretation. The sample (N = 691) included teachers in teaching and other functions. The results revealed a tetrafactorial structure with adequate validity and reliability indices. KMO and Bartlett’s tests confirmed the adequacy of factor analysis, and the Varimax rotation identified four main factors: cognitive, socio-effective, spiritual, and physical, each correlated with specific groups of educational variables.



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