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Logical trapezoid
teaching-learning process
meaningful learning

How to Cite

Feijoo Calle, P., & Román Celi, G. (2019). EL TRAPECIO LÓGICO EN EL PROCESO ENSEÑANZA-APRENDIZAJE UNIVERSITARIO: UNA PROPUESTA METODOLÓGICA. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(93). Retrieved from https://uctunexpo.autanabooks.com/index.php/uct/article/view/145


The present work is presented based on the teaching experience in the School of Engineering in Mines of the University of Azuay (Cuenca-Ecuador), and in the Faculty of Education, Art and Communication of the National University of Loja (Loja -Ecuador), in the subjects of Rock Mechanics and Design and Curricular Planning of Elementary Education, respectively. The effects of this experience have made us reflect on the teaching-learning process, used, and therefore a methodological proposal is developed, which based on meaningful learning, pedagogical mediation, brief didactic and logical trapeze, evidences a better acquisition and understanding of the concepts for the students, there is motivation in the classes, it is applicable to any subject and the promotion of the students is obtained, to the next higher course. The method used in this proposal, consists of the development of playful elements and optimization of times, which generated a favorable effect for the application of the teaching-learning process and an improvement in the results of the evaluations to the students.

Keywords: Logical trapezoid, teaching-learning process, meaningful learning.


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