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Eco-Technology of Foods
Products of plant origin
Author's Kitchen
Alternative food model
Sustainable Development
Food Security

How to Cite

Sandoval-Ruiz, C., & Ruiz-Díaz, E. (2019). APPLYING INTELLIGENT ENERGY EFFICIENCY TECHNIQUES - ECOSVEG. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 22(87), 13. Retrieved from


In this work, the design of sustainable food alternatives, based on products of plant origin and their processing under criteria of energy efficiency, with eco-responsible treatment, for systematization through an artificial intelligence tool was carried out. This as a solution to the demand of certain products of the conventional diet, applying local and sustainable products. The method addressed is the incorporation of the concepts of eco-technology of food and author cuisine. In the design alternative products of plant origin are used, which have more sustainable characteristics, the application of artificial neural networks is proposed for the recognition and formulation of the designs, specifying the components, nutritional value and properties. This results in a technological proposal, with environmental impact assessment of the components, based on the minimum processing of products and by-products of plant origin, using sustainable technologies, in order to offer a solution to the problem of food safety and climate change. What allows to conclude that this research promotes sustainable development, through the incorporation of technology to the creative processes of production in healthy food, for a better quality of life.

Keywords: Eco-Technology of Foods, Products of plant origin, Author's Kitchen, Alternative food model, Agro-Innovation, Sustainable Development, Food Security.

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