In recent years, antiretroviral treatments (ART) have diversified into different presentations and schedules, the number of doses per day has been reduced, and side effects have been reduced. More and more countries establish free and universal access to ART. However, it has not been possible for all people with HIV to undergo medical control, and many of them, start ART, do not develop adherence and then abandon it. Evaluations and studies have been carried out to identify the causes of this phenomenon, which has been complex, and more and more factors have been identified that have led to the design of necessary measures, which, little by little, begin to take effect. This article describes the factors that favor or hinder adherence to ART and its link with the self-care and eating habits of patients with HIV / AIDS. By contrast, conclusions are reached and the aspects that effectively contribute to improving adherence to ART, self-care and good nutrition are pointed out, and, finally, achieve the brake and backward movement of this pandemic with more than 35 years living with the humanity.
Keywords: Adherence, antiretroviral treatment, eating habits, self-care.
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