The present investigation describes widely the laws and past and current conditions that Ecuador has allowed to institute the sector of the Popular and Solidarity Economy focused on the principle of Gender; allowing to create a new model of development promoting work. To this end, a historical portrait of the Social and Solidarity Economy was launched, focused on the principle of gender in the world and in Latin America, with the aim of inserting women into the country's economy and leading to an open door to the recognition of his rights and a transformation in his own life and in the community; through the implementation of public policies, which have a measurable impact in terms of growth and development. The methodology used is descriptive and explanatory, as well as an official documentary investigation by the National Institute of Statistics and Census, which allows obtaining statistical data and later the content analysis. Finally, the research reveals that the implementation of the Popular and Solidarity Economy (EPS) has had limited results in terms of support for microcredit and the creation of jobs, since most of these types of economies are found in rural sectors, where they must build human relationships between the countryside and the city looking for spaces of commercialization, generating empowerment of their new roles and obtaining a social recognition through the experiences of life and everyday life.
Keywords: Wome's Rights, popular and solidarity, economy, gender.
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