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Political conflictive
University management

How to Cite

Procel, M., Sánchez, D., & Brito, M. (2020). THE POLITICAL CONFLICT AND ITS IMPACT ON ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT IN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IN ECUADOR: ESPOCH CASE. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(98), 89-96. Retrieved from


The Institutions of Higher Education (IES) have the function of guaranteeing the right to higher education through teaching, research and their relationship with society, and ensuring increasing levels of quality, academic excellence and relevance; The university is the social institution whose function is to safeguard, develop and promote education and culture in society. Particularly, in the Polytechnic Superior School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), the aim is to improve the levels of effectiveness and efficiency in the use of resources, as well as to generate mechanisms of transparency and accountability, basic foundations that promote the improvement in the field of teaching and research. However, the political confrontation in universities and polytechnic schools generates problems of an economic - financial, academic, technological and social type that directly influence teaching and research. Therefore, in the present work indicators are defined for each of the situational states, these being described qualitatively and also qualified in the same way calculating the conflict index. The significant results obtained refer to index evaluations associated with the problem of political influence specifically, its assessment and improvement actions in the control of teaching management.

Keywords: Political conflictive, Teaching, Research, University management.


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