In Ecuador the causes of repetition and dropping out of school are the difficulties related to reading and writing, as the first reason for the casuistry of referral to professionals in the area of pedagogy, which generates questions in their attention, for external agents, intermediaries of social conditions for family functionality. The research aimed to characterize the third childhood, from its cognitive development and family functionality. Quantitative approach methodology, descriptive exploratory scope, cross section, with an intentional non-probabilistic sample of 70 families with children, between 6 and 11 years old, southwest sector, of Guayaquil. The instruments applied were structured by piloting the diagnostic protocol in childhood, by the team of researchers. The main results evidenced the permanence of traditional cultural patterns, where women play the role of caregiver, with a predominance of nuclear families, the cognitive development of children in the third childhood, evidenced as a tendency severe alteration of memory and attention; however, a trend of family functionality is denoted. In conclusion, the need is established to deepen under the correlation of the variables explored, in addition to expanding the study to similar communities, under the commitment of state services and universities.
Keywords: Third childhood, family, cognitive development.
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