The global geriatric population will have doubled by the year 2050. The models of the geriatric nursing care process are aimed at improving health management and reducing hospitalizations. The purpose of the investigation is to describe the current situation of the caregiver in elderly adult care. The study was retrospective, cross-sectional and qualitative. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. The sample design was intentional non-probabilistic type with 60 elderly caregivers, the use of arbitrary code was applied with participant observation. There was an insufficient level of training in caregivers of older adults, 70% of them are at the level of primary or high school. Among other results; 83.3% will continue to offer care to the aforementioned age group, aware of the complexity involved in this professional work in nursing. Among the conclusive aspects, the criterion that the specialist nurse in gerontology is highly regarded in the profession, key criterion in the success of the attention, is also starting point for the predictions and predictions in practical health problems and to create strategies that contribute to improve the quality of life of the elderly.
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