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Corporate social responsibility
Strategic level

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Ríos, M., Guevara, N., Álvarez, J., & Castro, M. (2019). CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(91), 10. Retrieved from


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the city of Cuenca - Ecuador is in an embryonic stage at the corporate and social level, so it was proposed to identify the position and / or perceptions in relation to CSR as a direct strategy in business growth both financial, economic and organizational of companies in the food industry. It began with a qualitative investigation to obtain primary data aimed at the business strategic apex and CSR experts after that, a questionnaire was designed and applied for the operational level of food organizations. Poor internal communication is evident, while the conceptualization and understanding of the real scope of CSR is confusing, despite the fact that 53% of individuals claimed to know about CSR. CSR is not perceived as an element that contributes to business profitability (57%), although it is believed that it will improve its image and / or reputation, it is not associated with economic growth and development.

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, strategic level, workers.

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