In this research study a correlational investigation is presented, focusing on the analysis of the economic situation of Mexico, period 2015 - 2017, and is based on two treaties of trade agreements: the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) And the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA). We applied methods and techniques of data collection and quantitative information was designed. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) remained the same as in the previous year; Unemployment fell; More than 45% of the population lives in poverty; The CPI rose to 3.36% per annum at the end of 2016. In the short term, the fluctuations of the change are drastic; The stock market fell; The yield curve of Mexican bonds moved upward; Shook global financial markets; and in the medium term, the effect will be derived from the existing volatility in the markets. This analysis leads to the identification that Mexico faces the Trump effect, in two areas: economic and migratory. The first will affect more Mexicans living in national territory. The second affect the nationals living in the United States, both those who already have citizenship and those who are undocumented.
Keywords: Economy; economic situation; economic dependence; treated commercial agreements.
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