The purpose of this research was to verify the benefits and scope of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) in teaching, to successfully face situations presented inside and outside the classroom in children with learning demotivation. For this, an action plan based on NLP strategies was carried out as a pedagogical intervention to raise the level of motivation to achieve. This study is justified because it has theoretical value, practical utility and social relevance. The most approximate reference framework was based on: constructivist, humanist, needs, human communication and neurophysiological theories. The study was developed under the qualitative paradigm, framed in the descriptive action research methodology, whose intentional sample to work includes students, teachers and representatives of fourth, fifth and sixth grade of the educational unit Doodles, It was implemented as a collection technique of information, participant observation, semi-structured interviews and questionnaire reflecting the incidents in field notes. The data obtained were transcribed, categorized
and analyzed its content. Reflection was made about the situation experienced, organizing them and relating them between their parts which led to theorizing where it was considered that the dilemma of demotivation to learn is interpreted as a problem of communication, forgetting the demands and needs of
the students. Concluding that a review should be made on interpersonal relationships between teacher-students-representatives in order to raise awareness and achieve an effective teaching-learning process.
Keywords: Neuro-linguistic programming, affective networks, conflict resolution.
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