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Higher Education
Entrepreneurial training
Entrepreneurial management.

How to Cite

Mazacón Gómez , M. N., Paliz Sánchez , C. del R., & Espín Mancilla, Y. P. (2019). ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 2(2), 11-18. Retrieved from https://uctunexpo.autanabooks.com/index.php/uct/article/view/212


Higher Education Institutions as part of society must create the nexus between students and the environment, not only in the training of professionals, but should include management processes with the community. In this sense, universities have the potential to implement entrepreneurship projects with material resources, economic and human easing, offering quality services and products. The article presents research on entrepreneurship in the Higher Education Institutions of Ecuador, carried out through documentary analysis. As a result, it was possible that the direction and enforcement of the higher education enterprise has sedimented the emergence of new meanings and senses of reality, the formal structure in entrepreneurship management is reflected in the Faculty of Economic or Administrative Sciences, but not in other faculties, they also have little level of entrepreneurship and community services, comprehensive management that leads to the implementation of innovative projects. The challenges of these institutions in relation to entrepreneurship relate to strategies in the institutional, pedagogical and management systems.

Keywords: Higher Education; entrepreneurial training, entrepreneurial management.


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