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Teacher training
Strategy teaching

How to Cite

Ripalda Yánez, J. F. (2019). STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE TEACHING IN FUTURE TEACHERS OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 2(2), 26-32. Retrieved from


The transformation of new technologies and the constant review in curriculums and curricular meshes forces the teacher, to prepare every day, to be efficient in its management. In this research paper, a thorough review was made, and various theories were contrasted that allow to determine strategies that allow to improve the teaching skills of those professionals who train as teachers in the area of Language and Literature. The main results of this work can be shown that, without strategic planning, the teacher can hardly carry out his work, the same that must be allied to self-preparation, as part of vocation. teacher training should be focused on knowing perfectly, to whom it will be taught; update your knowledge, so that, you know well, what you are going to teach and manage appropriate techniques, the teacher will have to familiarize the self with, to know how he will teach. In conclusion, it is proposed that teachers apply methodologies that encourage the practice and use of teaching-oriented strategies.

Keywords: Teacher training, strategy teaching, language.


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