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Teacher training
Strategy teaching

How to Cite

Vargas Castro, K., Jara Castro, M. A., Lozada Meza, M., & Dume Villacís, M. (2019). INFLUENCE OF NEUROSCIENCE IN THE LEARNING OF LITERACY. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 2(2), 33-38. Retrieved from


This article aims to determine the contributions of neuroscience in literacy learning considering that this is one of the difficulties that occur most frequently in educational institutions, in order to improve the teaching-learning processes by directing the teaching actions with Neuroscience based activities. For this, a qualitative and quantitative methodological design was developed, with a field study and bibliographic analysis through a descriptive investigation, observation and teacher surveys were used as a data collection instrument. The importance of neuroscience in the learning of literacy is concluded, therefore teachers must apply innovative strategies that strengthen learning.

Keywords: Teacher training, strategy teaching, language.


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