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students with disabilities
educational inclusion
psycho-pedagogical care

How to Cite

Guerra Iglesias, S. (2019). NEURODIVERSITY IN THE EDUCATIONAL INCLUSION OF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 2(2), 51-56. Retrieved from


In the present work, the study and interpretation of the theoretical assumptions that support the concept of neurodiversity, as well as its implications in the development of inclusive processes in students with disabilities, are deepened The methodology used allowed theoretical and empirical inquiries about the relationship between neurodiversity, disability, functioning and educational inclusion, with the support of scientific methods and procedures. This study provides as main results the conceptual and methodological systematization of the neurodiversity construct and its value for educational inclusion, which allows modeling a conception for the psycho-pedagogical attention of students with disabilities from an interdisciplinary perspective where strategies whose educational, pedagogical scope are included and didactic it constitutes a premise for the development of good educational practices in the response to differences in the cerebral functioning of students with disabilities for their participation in activities regardless of the physical, intellectual and sensory limitations that a being may present human.

Keywords: Neurodiversity, students with disabilities, educational inclusion, psycho-pedagogical care.


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