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Teacher training
Documentary research
High school study

How to Cite

Castro, G., Burgos, D., González , L., & Mendoza, J. (2019). THE INVESTIGATION; A NEED FOR LEARNING IN THE BACCALAUREATE. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 2(2), 68-74. Retrieved from


The objective of this research was to describe the theoretical foundations towards an approach to the application of research in learning in the Baccalaureate area. The theoretical bases studied were the exposure and contrast of the different criteria of several authors. The initial methodology was documentary
research and then applied as an approach to action research in the school context. The result was the exposition of the problem of scientific research in Ecuador, starting from the problem of teacher training and the lack of interest by students to carry out research and projects aimed at society, as a conclusion, problems in cognitive development are obtained of critical thinking and the inability to analyze information.

Keywords: Teacher training, Documentary research, high school study.


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