The pre-professional practice of the students of the Basic Education career of Luis Vargas Torres University from Esmeraldas begins in the scenario of Modesto Mendoza School in the city of Esmeraldas-Ecuador. The pedagogical process involves the development of a project, which contains a pedagogical strategy that encourages to use transformative actions in order to overcome the following problem: The incidence of inadequacies in reading and writing processes in school learning and academic performance which do not allow the construction of knowledge in Basic Education students. The Participatory Research and Action Project is an action tool that comes from the Knowledge Integration Project and the Pre-professional Practices Plan and it is related to the teaching professional training that integrates the fundamental functions of the university. The objective of the research was: to develop transformative and pedagogical actions to overcome the inadequacies of reading and writing processes that are expressed in the problem. The students that are part of a formative process can systematize the pedagogical experiences and realize about the theory and practice interaction in the context of the transformation of pedagogical practices whose main axis is the formative research.
Keywords: Pre-professional practice, reading writing, learning and school performance.
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