Pedagogy, as a knowledge field, is one of the sciences where the human being knows himself to act over himself in the stages of his development. The pedagogic discipline has as study field, the evolution of the cognitive, affective, social and practical capacities according to his natural development and, by the other hand, according to the innovation in psychological, cognitive and philosophical focuses, and the learning methods. These two aspects have a necessary correspondence between each other, that is the guaranty to the effectivity of the learning strategies and methods, with the goal to shape persons able to know, make and live with other with success in the society. This correspondence between the stages of human development and the pedagogic strategies and tools, is a matter of epistemology of great relevance. This article proposes explain the art state of the epistemological and pedagogical reflections about this necessary correspondence between stages of human development and pedagogical methods in the first childhood till the scholar age, through an analytical and interpretative focus and documental research.
Keywords: Pedagogy, stages of the human development, cognitive, affective and practical aspects, competences.
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