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Patient with diabetes
specials diets

How to Cite

Prado M., A., Mazacón M., M., & Estrada C., T. (2019). NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS OF THE METABOLIC ATTENTION DIABETES’S PATIENT. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 2(2), 132-139. Retrieved from


The diabetes mellitus has been pointing out as one of the main causes of death in Ecuador. The indication of specials diets is among the three main attention strategies of attention of diabetes mellitus, next to the physical exercises and medication. The indicated diets for this metabolic alteration in its two modalities: 1, own of young people, and 2, which is in adults of senior ages, indicate preferential foods, of moderated use and contraindicated ones. These diets are products of representative empirical studies of the effective in the metabolic process so in the digestive tract performance, favorable to the damages control and cure of the ill. This article examines the art state of the researches about this diet’s composition and its effective, so as the record of this ill in Ecuador. To take this nowledge is necessary to do a documental revision that shows that the importance of the dietetic treatment especially in the cases of diabetes mellitus 2 that of adults of senior ages and obesity.

Keywords: Patient with diabetes, specials diets, nutrition.


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