The development of literacy skills is a gradual, systematic, coherent process that is related to cognitive development, hence the importance of its success. This work has as main objective to socialize the experiences obtained in pre-professional practices of students of the 5th semester, of the Basic Education career, in terms of the treatment of said learning difficulty, from an inclusive approach. The methodology used was descriptive, based on a mixed approach, through the use of theoretical, empirical methods, combined with descriptive statistics and percentage calculation. Among its main results were: the psychopedagogical characterization of school children with these disorders, in three educational units of regular education; the development of skills acquired by practitioners; the preparation achieved by the teachers and family of the studied school children and the didactic resources that guaranteed greater attention and educational inclusion of these school children. The conclusions high light the need to continue developing these practices in relation to literacy disorders that facilitate not only professional growth, but the multiplication of teaching strategies that allow teachers to intervene psycho-pedagogically literacy disorders, with an inclusive approach.
Keywords: Dyslexia, dysgraphia, educational intervention, family.
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