The purpose of this research was to develop the strategic plan based on management indicators for the benefit of the Stanford Professional Drivers Union, in the province of Chimborazo, Canton Riobamba; it is intended to support the improvement of administrative management; since for several years driving has become a requirement of daily life; therefore, it is essential that the Driving Schools abalise the drivers as suitable to provide an adequate service in the aspects related to transportation and road safety. The applied research methodology was the quantitative and qualitative approach, obtained from primary and secondary information; the techniques that were used were the surveys, interviews and direct observation made to the collaborators and direct participants of the institution; Results show that the Stanford Professional Drivers Union lacks quality control, recruitment strategies and customer loyalty. It is important that the union considers the strategic plan, since it will allow it to be more effective than the competition and above all it will be possible to achieve the established goals for improvement and achieve profitability.
Keywords: Management indicators, strategic plan, driver's union, driving school.
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