Developing continuous innovation actions for buying and selling processes has been one of the main challenges of commercial companies after the COVID-19 pandemic, in this sense, more and more companies adopt FinTech for payments, the research employs an exploratory level that analyzes the level of acceptance that these solutions have had. As a case study, the Technology Acceptance Model TAM was applied to a group of companies dedicated to the retail sale of electrical households in Ambato-Ecuador, that have already adopted FTP solutions. Among the results, it is confirmed that there is: a positive correlation between the five study variables (Use of the system, Perception of usefulness, Ease of use, Administrative Support, and Quality of the system), a medium degree of acceptance among entrepreneurs, and it is considered the need to promote more information about their use to generate social acceptance.
Keywords: Fintech, Financial technologies, Payment systems, Payment Digitalization, Technology Acceptance Model.
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