Development of a program of feedback strategies to strengthen formative evaluation in teachers


educational strategy
formative evaluation

How to Cite

Atoche Alcas, L. C., Rabasco Zamora, M. S., Tomala Andrade, A. I., Vera Palacios, C. A., Soto Peralta, O. E., & Atoche Alcas, M. Y. (2024). Development of a program of feedback strategies to strengthen formative evaluation in teachers. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 28(Special), 118-128.


The research's objective was to apply feedback strategies to strengthen formative evaluation in primary teachers. The methodology used was quantitative, with a pre-experimental design and a sample of 24 participants. The instrument used was a questionnaire validated by expert judgment, with a reliability of 0.953 in Cronbach's alpha. The results in the formative evaluation variable indicate that 12.5% ​​of teachers are at a deficient level, while 70.8% are at a regular level. In conclusion, the feedback strategies program is significant, with a p-value less than 0.05, which implies a substantial change in the formative evaluation variable.


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