Analysis of physical education classes in the context of inclusive education


physical activity
educational inclusion
motor disability

How to Cite

Feraud Canizares, R. A., Garcia Velez, W. R., Ladinez Garces, J. V., & Boza Mendoza, J. G. (2024). Analysis of physical education classes in the context of inclusive education. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 28(Special), 163-173.


This study examined the perception of physical activity concerning the educational inclusion of university students with motor disabilities. The objective was to analyze the perception of physical activity as a fundamental element for the educational inclusion of university students with motor disabilities. The methodology included a detailed bibliographic review and a set of surveys to understand the reality of physics education. The results revealed that, despite the physical and social benefits of physical education, there are challenges of accessibility and awareness in the student and teacher population. Furthermore, they showed that there is no appropriate conditioning of the facilities for students with specific educational needs, and likewise, the lack of specialized resources could be confirmed. These findings reveal the need to include better infrastructure plans, space conditioning, and resource management to improve inclusive physical education classes.


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