Historical method and critical thinking in secondary school students


historical method
critical thinking
didactic plans

How to Cite

Chavez Castillo, R. L., Carmen Sarango, M. A., Sandoval Pena, J. M., & Gallo García , J. E. (2024). Historical method and critical thinking in secondary school students. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 28(Special), 229-238. https://doi.org/10.47460/uct.v28iSpecial.792


Knowing history represents a fundamental element in professional training. In this work, the educational strategies used for training in history were analyzed, and a methodological proposal was also made to improve the understanding of history through a method that promotes critical and divergent thinking. For this purpose, a purposeful bibliographical investigation was carried out, which allowed us to know the variables associated with the historical method and its impact over time. But it was also possible to learn that the traditional method of teaching history is not the most suitable for creating cultured people, with high capacities to engage in historical debates and understand events from their internalization and not from rote theory. Finally, the activities and sessions necessary to apply an efficient and effective historical method in the subject of social sciences and history are proposed.



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