This study assessed secondary school students' reading comprehension skills through a pedagogical strategy designed to enhance their text comprehension and analysis abilities. A sample of 60 participants was selected and subjected to pre- and post-intervention assessments to evaluate the strategy's effectiveness. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was conducted using the Mann-Whitney U Test. The key findings demonstrated that appropriate didactic strategies that foster motivation and interest in reading significantly improve reading comprehension, leading to more effective and meaningful learning outcomes among adolescents.
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[2] J. Flavell, «Metacognition and Cognitive Monitoring: A New Area of Cognitive–Developmental Inquiry,» American Psychologist, vol. 34, nº 10, pp. 906-911, 1979.
[3] A. Chiroleu, «Políticas públicas de inclusión en la educación superior los casos de Argentina y Brasil,» Pro-Posições, vol. 20, nº 2, pp. 141-166, 2009.
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[8] D. Rumelhart, «Schemata: The building blocks of cognition,» Cognitive Science, vol. 4, nº 3, pp. 211-227, 1980.
[11] I. Pinnell y G. Fountas, Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children, Heinemann, 2001.
[12] M. Gremmo, «Reading and critical thinking: A study on the development of reading strategies,» Educational Research Review, vol. 24, pp. 85-103, 1999.
[13] C. Snow, «Academic language and the challenge of reading for learning about science,» Science, vol. 328, nº 5977, pp. 450-452, 2010.

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