Didactic strategies to improve reading comprehension in secondary school students


teaching strategies
secondary education
reading skills
teaching methods
motivation for reading

How to Cite

Vargas Gonzales, G. V., Garcia Barrientos, M. E., Manuela Cunya, M., & Cunya Llacsahuanga, G. (2025). Didactic strategies to improve reading comprehension in secondary school students. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 29(Special), 273-282. https://doi.org/10.47460/uct.v29iSpecial.932


This study assessed secondary school students' reading comprehension skills through a pedagogical strategy designed to enhance their text comprehension and analysis abilities. A sample of 60 participants was selected and subjected to pre- and post-intervention assessments to evaluate the strategy's effectiveness. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was conducted using the Mann-Whitney U Test. The key findings demonstrated that appropriate didactic strategies that foster motivation and interest in reading significantly improve reading comprehension, leading to more effective and meaningful learning outcomes among adolescents.



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