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High Education
Economic Factors
social factors and economic factors

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Ajitimbay, C., Procel, A., & Silva, L. (2019). FACTORS INTERVENING IN THE STUDENT REPITENCE. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(91), 7. Retrieved from https://uctunexpo.autanabooks.com/index.php/uct/article/view/113


This research describes the factors that influence the repetition of teachers. The study was conducted at the School of Accounting and Auditing of the Faculty of Business Administration of the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, in the period October 2017 - March 2018. For the evaluation of the factors related to students, a sample was selected of 87 students, equivalent to twenty-nine percent of the total population that failed at least one subject in this period. To collect the information, the survey was used as an instrument, the students who were failed in the study period were taken as a population. The inductive-deductive methods and field research and bibliographic documentation techniques were applied, at an exploratory, descriptive and analytical level. It was determined that the factors that predispose to student abandonment are social, economic and academic. It is suggested actions to reduce repetition and thereby avoid early dropout at the School of Accounting and Auditing, as well as follow up students who enroll in the coming years and who present the aforementioned risk factors to prevent them from dropping out of their studies.

Keywords: Higher education, students, repetition, economic factors, social factors and economic factors.

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