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Office automation
Product design

How to Cite

Unexpo, R., Cala, A., Flórez, L., Acosta, O., Murillo, J., & Acosta, J. C. (2019). HANDY, UN MOUSE MANIPULABLE POR MEDIO DE LOS PIES. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(93), 6. Retrieved from https://uctunexpo.autanabooks.com/index.php/uct/article/view/154


Since 2005, from the studies published today, the increase in the work carried out has been seen through the use of tools that use logic as a fundamental pillar, some of which have been carried out since the office suite of Microsoft®, in which it is necessary to use the mouse as a means of interaction between man and machine. In addition to this, the constant increase of people who adapt to those used are observed, arms and hands are used for the above reasons, the ability to achieve a job has been reduced easily, as well as focused skills in office automation they are valued today in The results are related to engineering techniques (product and process design, quality function deployment, process diagramming among others); People relate to the mouse. This is how Handy was born, which is a product with the characteristics of the social employability gap that exists for people with disabilities.

Keywords: Office automation, engineering, product design, disability.


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