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Social Responsability
business model

How to Cite

Unexpo, R., Córdova, A., & Moreno-Gavilánez, K. (2019). RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL COMO MODELO DE NEGOCIO: REVISIÓN SISTEMÁTICA A PARTIR DEL META-ANÁLISIS. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(93), 10. Retrieved from


The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has continued to grow in importance and significance throughout the world. Nowadays, you can not take a newspaper, magazine or review your social network, without finding any discussion on the subject of a recent or innovative case of which company is using CSR. The objective of this study is to adapt a model of corporate social responsibility to the nature of SMEs, with the purpose of implementing a social value to the community. The methodological design that was established was a qualitative cross-sectional approach, followed by an exploratory scope, which allows an adequate approach to the object of discussion to demonstrate at a key moment the critical selection of research. Finally, it is concluded that the influence of corporate social responsibility in the negotiation processes. It can be shown that there is a relevant response from the factors and dimensions that intervene in the negotiation cycle, such as the economic factor, which influences macro and directly the determination for any budget that the company goes to. lead.18.

Keywords: Social responsibility, Business model, SMEs.


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