Substance use is a topic analyzed from different perspectives, as well as the treatment the addict receives in the specialized centers; However, there is a latent reality, and it is that the person who is in his recovery process or who has even finished it, suffers the so-called relapses, an aspect that must be given importance because of the repercussions that it entails; Under this assessment, the article raised the objective, identifying the factors prevalent in the addiction and relapse of patients with problematic consumption of narcotic substances in the therapeutic Community Road to the peace of the canton Portoviejo. For the implementation of this quantitative, descriptive study, the technique of document analysis of clinical histories was used; From this information it was considered as inclusion criteria to the inmates and in follow-up of the therapeutic community, which they possess in the archives complete information; They have received individual and family psychological intervention for a minimum period of six months. Among the results it could be noted that the age of onset of consumption, time of consumption, type of drugs consumed are those that prevail in the addiction; The involvement of the family in their recovery is a neutral factor, considering that the will of the addict for wanting to recover is above the desires and intentions of the family.
Keywords: Factors, addiction, consumption, relapse.
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